Workout Challenge - The Big 3 Burnout
The Big Three Burnout
What You'll Need:
- A 135 pound barbell (can also be scaled down to 95 pounds)
The Rules For The Challenge:
We all know and love the big three; which are the bench, squat, and deadlift. But you might not love them so much after this challenge...
After you warmup, get 135 on the bar and clear out some space. You're going to do 1 set of bench, 1 set of squats, 1 set of deads all in a row with minimal rest in between. I'm talkin less than 15 seconds of rest. Just enough for you to move from one exercise to the next.
Your overall score will be how many total reps you hit on your set of bench + squat + deads. So, 22 bench reps + 34 squats + 30 deads would give you a total score of 86 reps, which you can also call 86 points.
Bonus Tips:
- During your warmup, practice going from one movement to the next. Do a quick set of 5/5/5 so your muscles are used to that transition
- Every rep matters here, so try to squeeze out every bit of strength you have for each exercise
- Control your breathing, so you aren't huffing and puffing by the time you get to the squats
Good luck!